One of the most common injuries to the knee joint, an ACL injury, refers to the tear of the anterior cruciate ligament.

ACL plays a vital role in stabilizing your knee joint by preventing excessive anterior translation of the tibia, providing stability against various pivot forces, and protecting the menisci and articular cartilage by controlling anterior shear forces.
These injuries are usually caused by high-velocity twisting, a sudden change of direction during running, a collision of players during activity, or sudden hyperextension during performance. There might be an audible pop sound or loss of the ability to lift or stretch your knee, intense and immediate pain followed by swelling, and a sensation of giving way.
Different grades of injury determine the course of treatment, either conservative or surgical.
If the tear is partial, conservative protocols are recommended, but in case of complete tears or tears accompanied by a meniscal lesion, the doctor may indicate a suitable surgical procedure.
The first and most crucial treatment aspect is reducing swelling and decreasing pain. This is done by following the RICE protocol.
R- Rest
Minimise weight-bearing activities and give your joint appropriate rest for it to heal.
The application of ice helps reduce swelling and inflammation around the joint.
C- Compression
Wrapping a bandage around the joint helps reduce excessive mobility and provides stability. Pressure also keeps swelling under check.
The elevation of the joint above heart level, reduces blood flow to the joint, decreasing the chances of swelling.

Apart from this, the individual may also be advised by their therapist to wear a protective knee brace to minimize unnecessary movements and prevent the chances of further injury.
The patients are initially advised to perform exercises within the brace for approximately three weeks. These include heel slides in the available range, hip flexion and extension, quadricep isometrics, and ankle-toe movements. Some cases may also require muscle stimulation to avoid muscle wasting.
After three weeks, the patient can wean away from the brace and start strengthening exercises with resistance and also include static cycling and swimming.

In conclusion, ACL injuries can significantly impact an individual's mobility and quality of life. Prompt and appropriate conservative or surgical treatment is crucial for optimal recovery. Individuals with ACL injuries must work closely with their healthcare providers to develop a comprehensive rehabilitation plan tailored to their needs and goals.
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